About Us
Before having our son, we traveled the world. All of our spare time was spent exploring new places, experiencing new cultures and trying new foods. The ability to travel to far away lands and experience things for ourselves has always been important to us, and we also wanted that to be a part of our son’s life as well.
Six years and nearly 25 countries later, we haven’t missed a beat, in large part to using a baby backpack. A safe, comfortable option for carrying your child opens up a world of opportunities. Not only do we utilize our baby backpack to help us explore places around the world, we found it just as useful around town. Grocery shopping, neighborhood walks, a morning at the farmers market…a baby backpack is something every parent should own!
There are nearly endless options out there today, and we want to help you figure out which pack will be best for you and your family. After all, baby backpacks aren’t cheap, and you want to know that your new purchase will meet all of your family’s needs. To help you and other families navigate the baby backpack world, we started The Kid Packer. Hopefully you find our research useful! Now, get out there and go adventure!