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Can you fly with a child carrier backpack?
Updated: February 11, 2022
How to fly with a baby backpack carrier
Most people automatically consider strollers the best mode of transportation when traveling with young kids. Here at The Kid Packer, we want to spread the word that flying with a baby backpack carrier is far superior to a stroller or other baby carriers.
We actually wrote an entire article on strollers vs baby backpack carriers (you can find it here!). While there are times where strollers are great, we want to share with you how easy it really is to fly with a baby carrier backpack.
For the sake of this article, we are going to assume that you already have a baby backpack carrier and are considering taking your first flight with it. If you haven’t purchased a baby carrier backpack yet, take a look at the resources found here: Baby Backpack Research. You can find an article specifically on the best baby backpack carriers for flying here!
Our goal in this article is to answer the following questions:
1. Why fly with a baby backpack carrier?
2. Can you fly with a baby carrier backpack?
3. How to fly with a baby carrier backpack?
1. Why fly with a baby backpack carrier?
It’s no secret that we love baby backpack carriers! Baby carrier backpacks are by far the most nimble and efficient mode of travel for your child. While some may consider baby backpack carriers only for hiking, we would say that while necessary for hiking, baby backpack carriers are excellent for all types of family travel, especially if flying.
Here are just a few reasons to fly with a baby carrier backpack:
1. Your hands are free and your child is safely contained! If you have ever tried to wrangle your small child while trying to fill out immigration paperwork you will understand the importance of having your hands free.
2. They do not need to be checked or even gate checked. They fit in the overhead compartment which means no more waiting in the gate check line! This alone can be a trip saver on a tight connection.
3. When flying with a baby backpack carrier there are no more ‘Excuse me!, Coming through!, Right behind you!, I’m so sorry!’ moments as you you force a stroller through crowded terminals.
4. No more waiting in elevator lines because you can wear your backpack carrier on escalators.
5. In many instances, once you get to your destination, strollers simply can not access the places you want to go. Beaches, ruins, temple complexes and even some cities are just not conducive to pushing a stroller.
Now that we know why flying with a baby carrier backpack is a great option, let’s take a look at how to do it!
2. Can you fly with a baby carrier backpack?
The short answer is: absolutely!
We have flown with our child carrier backpack countless times on various airlines in many countries and have never even been questioned about it. Typically all child gear (stroller, car seat, child carrier etc.) are free of charge on most airlines. Before your flight verify with your specific airline by checking their website. This information is usually found under their luggage policy or travel with kids sections.
We have never checked a child carrier backpack or had it count towards our carry on bags. We have also never gate checked a baby carrier, they always fit (fully compressed) in the overhead compartment. Even on small regional planes.
If your destination is well suited to using a stroller, you can always check a small umbrella stroller for free. Amusement parks, museums, zoo’s and some cities are great places to use a stroller.

3. How to fly with a baby carrier backpack?
At the Airport
Anywhere you can go in the airport, you can wear your child carrier. This includes escalators! When you check in at the counter, grab a luggage name tag and put it on your child carrier. You likely won’t need it but, it’s nice to have!
When entering security, pop your child out of the carrier and place the entire pack (including gear) on the conveyor belt. No need to take everything out and fully collapse. It just needs to be flat enough to fit through the scanner.
Once through security you are free to navigate the crowded terminals hands free.
Before boarding, take your child out and compress your child carrier to it’s smallest size. This is typically accomplished by disengaging the child cockpit side panels, folding them in and, pushing in the kickstand. Each pack is a little different. We also recommend having a small bag packed in your child carrier that you can remove to keep at your seat.

On the Plane
Once you board the plane, you can place your child carrier in the overhead compartment. For ideas on what to pack for the flight, take a look at the following: Top 10 Items for Flying with a Baby and Top 10 Items for Flying with a Toddler.
After landing, simply remove the child carrier from the overhead. We often put our son back in it for the deplaning process by placing the pack on the seat. This is especially helpful if you have a tight connection.
Once You Get There
Once you get to your destination you are free to explore! Most child carrier backpacks include ample storage for a full day of adventure. We always recommend families purchase and carry a rain cover for your particular child carrier so that you are ready for any kind of weather.
Also, make sure to utilize the sunshade! Sunshades are fantastic for protecting your child from the sun but, also gives them a place to rest their head during nap time.
Children love to sleep in the baby carrier backpack and you can generally count on them getting their full nap in it if you plan accordingly. Nap time is a great time to explore a museum during the heat of the day.

Flying with a Baby Backpack Carrier - Summary
Flying with a baby backpack carrier is by far the most efficient and nimble way to travel with a small child. Let’s see if wev’e answered our three questions:
1. Why fly with a baby backpack carrier? It’s so much easier to navigate airports with your child on your back versus forcing your way through with a stroller.
2. Can you fly with a baby carrier backpack? Absolutely! Baby items are generally free to carry on or check.
3. How to fly with a baby carrier backpack? You can carry your backpack carrier on the plane and stow it in the overhead compartment!
If you are planning your next adventure and have flights booked, consider taking your baby backpack carrier!
About The Kid Packer
Here at The Kid Packer, we want to help you live your best life. A great baby backpack child carrier can help you do just that. After having used a child carrier backpack for over 1,500 miles of adventuring and exploring, we have a passion for them and know what makes a great pack that both you and your child will love. We hope our comprehensive research allows you to confidently find the right backpack for your needs!