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“Are we there yet? My legs are tired. I want a snack. Mommy, I need more water. I’m hot. I’m cold.” We all like to imagine our toddlers enjoying a day in the woods on a family hike. You know, like the pictures in outdoor magazines. The reality typically looks more like painstakingly herding gibbering cats up a mountain.
How can you enjoy the great outdoors, actually complete a hike and keep the entire family happy?
Solution: Baby Backpack (Top 5 Rated Baby Backpacks)

Things to consider when choosing a trail with a toddler
When hiking with a child, whether an infant or 4 year old, consider the extra weight on your back when choosing your trail. Choosing a less strenuous trail may lead to a more enjoyable hike for the parent. A trail with a lot of climbing/scrambling can lead to a bumpy ride for your kid as well. Also, consider that what comes up must come down. If the hike up isn’t too bad, contemplate the trek down. Your knees will thank you for taking it relatively easy with an almost 50 pound pack on your back. Lastly, plan for a trail that has some flat sections that your child can hike on their own. Its wonderful for them to feel a part of the experience and build their little hiking muscles!

The convenience of carrying your whiny toddler on your back is a complete game changer. It may be a bit more exercise but, a much more enjoyable experience for all. Your child will not only have a birds eye view of the world around them but, nothing at all to be unhappy about! Even consider the possibility of them taking a nap. You can enjoy the silence and your hike. Like I said, game changer.
Is there such a thing as enough snacks?
I think the answer is no when it comes to young children. Use them for bribery, sustenance, or distraction…. whatever you need at the time. Some ideas for what packs well on a short hike: squeeze pouches, fruit leather, granola bars, and anything that can be handed to them without a baggie or have small pieces that will inevitably be dropped on your head. I also don’t recommend anything sticky because frankly, you will regret it!
Nap Time
Need a nap? You and me both wish that were directed at us! So, you have done your research and chose a trail, packed, drove to the trailhead, suited up and are ready to go. You know its coming but, you try to think positive, its going to be a great day. Que the water works, whining that even a snack wont help. Its nap time. Without a baby backpack I literally have no idea what you would do with a napping toddler but, with a baby backpack, magic happens. Prepare yourself for silence. You may even appreciate the sights and sounds of the trail around you for the first time. Just make sure to put the sun shade up and relish the experience!

I could go on and on about the benefits of the baby backpack (and I intend to on this site!). For the purpose of this blog post, I just want to say, have toddler, will hike and in this case remain sane!
Solution: Baby Backpack (Top 5 Rated Baby Backpacks)
About The Kid Packer
Here at The Kid Packer, we want to help you live your best life. A great baby backpack child carrier can help you do just that! After having used a child carrier backpack for over 1,500 miles of adventuring and exploring, we have a passion for them and know what makes a great pack that both you and your child will love. We hope our comprehensive research allows you to confidently find the right backpack for your needs!