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Top 5 Unexpected Ways to use a Baby Backpack Carrier

Updated: August 31, 2021

Baby Backpack Carriers - The Unexpected

When purchasing a baby backpack carrier most people are planning for hiking or walks around a park. Some may even consider a child carrier for travel but, we are here to tell you that there are many unexpected ways to use a baby carrier backpack! 

From our experience, the unexpected ways we used a baby backpack carrier have been the biggest game changers. Not only did a baby backpack carrier completely open up active travel to us but, day to day tasks were made easier by simply carrying our little companion on our backs. 

In this article, we detail our top 5 unexpected ways to use a baby backpack carrier! 


Our Top 5 Unexpected Ways to Use a Baby Backpack Carrier

# 1 Shopping

Have you ever tried grocery shopping with your baby’s car seat in the shopping cart? Ever try pushing a stroller while shopping? Both options are difficult, but grocery shopping with a baby doesn’t have to be a challenge! Shopping with your baby or toddler is so much easier with a child carrier backpack. Front carriers can be a bit cumbersome and you have to continually adjust while bending over but, a backpack carrier allows for a completely hands free adult experience. Your child also enjoys a birds eye view and a clean/germ free place for them to ride. Most carrier backpacks include a collapsible kickstand on the back to provide a small profile while wearing it. 

If your primary purpose for purchasing a child carrier backpack is for shopping or other places where a small profile is needed, take a look at the Deuter Kid Comfort Active (Review) or Osprey Poco LT (Review). Both of these packs were designed to be lightweight and provide a small profile. 

Baby backpack for shopping

# 2 Chores

This may not be the top reason most people purchase a child carrier backpack but, is a wonderful bonus! Chores are just part of life and adding a baby to the mix doesn’t reduce the amount of chores to be done. There are some days your baby will want to be held all day long which makes it extremely difficult to get housework done. Instead of having a crabby baby or not getting any work done at all, consider wearing your baby backpack carrier while you work! You get the added bonus of extra exercise and a happy baby while you do it. 

We have cooked many a meal with a child carrier backpack on. Not to mention vacuuming, mopping, dusting etc. This may not be the most glamorous way to baby wear but, definitely efficient! Next time your little one wants to be held while you are prepping dinner, try wearing them in the baby backpack carrier. You can even include them in the cooking process by letting them smell the ingredients as you add them! 

Any child carrier backpack would be perfect for chores around the house! Take a look at our Top 5 Baby Backpack Carriers for information on our top picks! 

# 3 Nap Time

If you are familiar with our site, you know that we are huge fans of child carrier backpacks with high nap effectiveness ratings. When we review baby backpacks, we rate based on ten criteria, nap effectiveness being one of them. Nap time is extremely important for babies and toddlers developmentally and equally important for parents as well. We have found that children can nap for hours in a baby backpack carrier while travelling, hiking, or just going for a walk around the neighborhood. We have had huge success with our son falling asleep in the backpack carrier then taking the carrier off and him continuing to nap for hours! 

The child carrier backpack is a game changer for naps on the go.  A few things to look for when purchasing a baby backpack carrier for naps are the sunshade quality/design, foot stirrups, ventilation and child cockpit padding. 

Our top rated child carrier backpacks for nap effectiveness are the Osprey Poco Plus (Review) and Osprey Poco (Review). Another great option is the Deuter Kid Comfort Pro (Review). 

Baby backpack for napping

# 4 High Chair

This is definitely the messiest way to use your baby backpack carrier but, can be super helpful in a pinch! If you have ever been to a restaurant without a highchair available and have tried to feed your baby in your lap you know what a disaster that can be. A baby backpack carrier is a great place to securely strap your baby in next to you while you feed them and yourself. Using a child carrier backpack as a highchair can be super messy so, use a silicone bib (like this one) and cover as much of the padding as you can. Many of the baby backpack carriers on the market today include removeable and washable drool pads which are super helpful. The Deuter Kid Comfort Series in particular has easily removeable and washable drool pads. 

#5 Surprises

When it comes to life with a baby or toddler, you learn to improvise, especially while travelling. Our favorite tool to improvise with is the baby backpack carrier! We have used ours for everything listed above and so much more including on many Tuk Tuk’s (pictured), boats, ferrys, trains, gondolas, and at beaches, mountains, markets, ruins, temples, festivals and so much more! 

Before using a baby backpack carrier we didn’t realize just how much gear storage space was included. Not only is this a method for carrying your small travel partner but, you can carry everything you need for your adventure in the same pack! Another unexpected benefit! 

baby backpack carrier tuk tuk


Baby wearing is becoming increasingly popular and for good reason! Not only are baby carrier backpacks the most efficient mode of transportation for your child but they also enable you to embrace the unexpected.  If you already have a baby backpack carrier, try out some of these bonus uses!    

If you are interested in purchasing a baby carrier backpack and looking for a place to start your search, take a look at our Top 5 Baby Backpack Carriers article!

About The Kid Packer

Here at The Kid Packer, we want to help you live your best life.  A great baby backpack child carrier can help you do just that! After having used a child carrier backpack for over 1,500 miles of adventuring and exploring, we have a passion for them and know what makes a great pack that both you and your child will love.  We hope our comprehensive research allows you to confidently find the right backpack for your needs!